5 Ways To Decorate Your Uni Room

Our beautiful printed wraps are one of the best-sellers in our Falmouth shop, and these are great for bedroom walls as they’re an inexpensive way to add a splash of colour to your room. We love using these with an Oak Poster Hanger which keeps the whole piece lightweight and easy to fix to the wall with Command hooks to prevent any damage to walls. As these posters don’t break the bank, you can swap designs around over time to freshen up your colour scheme. Why not try changing up your wrap designs throughout the year to add some seasonal décor to your room – Vegetable Garden is lovely in the autumn, Citrus is perfect for summer, and we even have a range of Christmas designs.
Screen prints are another great option to bring life to bare walls – these can be framed (and attached the wall using Command picture strips) or can also be hung with our Oak Poster Hanger. No hanger? No problem – we think screen prints also look great resting on a shelf for a minimal look.
As most uni rooms have a neutral colour scheme, consider bedding with a vibrant, colourful pattern to brighten up the space. Adding a decorative throw and cushions to your bed will further enhance your colour scheme and soften
the lines of your room. Larger cushions can also help transform your bed into a sofa during the day.
While there are lots of affordable bedding options on the market these days, be mindful of the quality. Some budget options can feel rough to the touch and don’t wash well, so check reviews online to ensure you’re spending your money on sheets that will be soft and comfy to sleep in.
Browse our range of recycled wool and lambswool blankets online or feel their weight and quality in store.

Uni rooms are often lit by fluorescent overhead lighting which can be harsh on tired eyes and make the room feel clinical, but desk lamps provide an easy solution. While one lamp should give plenty of light for smaller rooms, we recommend having a couple – one brighter lamp above your desk is great for working, while a lower light in a warm- toned lampshade will help you relax for downtime.
Fairy lights will make your room feel even more cosy – these can be strung around bookshelves, curtain poles, or around your bed.
While most uni rooms these days are designed with comfort in mind, they can still have a slightly institutional feel. Plants are an amazing way to add some life to the setting, especially in a stylish planter. We love these White and Terracotta pots which play with height, or the crackled texture of these muted blue Frith pots.
Not been blessed with green fingers? Try succulents or cacti which require very little water, or a low maintenance plant like a spider plant.
Practical storage will help you make the most of your space (try under-bed storage tubs and hanging compartments for inside your wardrobe), but we also love choosing pretty storage solutions that double as decoration.
If you have a hook on the back of your door or coat hooks on walls, why not use these to hang a lovely storage basket like this hemp one.