The joy of wreath making in the summertime is that it encourages the opportunity to get experimental with flashes of vibrantly coloured floral collections alongside combinations of glossy deep green leaves to softer, more delicate foliage as there is so much to choose from this time of year. They also look fabulous against striking coloured front doors!
Back in December, for our Christmas get-together here at Willow & Stone, Sarah treated us to a wreath making evening at the Tremenheere Kitchen in Penzance. We were all excited to demonstrate our own interpretation of a festive wreath, but had no idea on where to begin! The main elements that I took away with me is that pretty much anything goes; to be as creative as you want and most importantly start by making a good base structure of foliage, this will provide shape and depth for you to work from. You can then have fun adding the floral features and other elements such as ribbon or twine.

Our gorgeous ‘Wreaths’ book by Katie Smyth and Terri Chandler that we stock in-store and online provides a step by step how to guide on how to create a variety of wreaths, including the equipment required along with fool-proof methods that demonstrate brilliant results. The authors encourage the reader to seek inspiration from past adventures and special memories. With this meaning attached, the wreath making process is even more enjoyable. I also like that you could easily go out for a stroll and return with a collection of wildflowers, twigs and foliage to work with, meaning you don’t have to spend lots if any to get exciting results.
While flicking through the book, I came across the ‘Flower Wall’ section:
This caught my attention, perhaps because it links to how we might go about creating a striking window display, such as our recent display, letting the dried flowers do all the talking and not worrying too much about having everything in perfect lines while keeping the concept simple:
It is always great to take time out to properly examine some of the products that we source, and I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed each page of this book. It encourages creative freedom and the projects are also manageable to interpret into fun ideas to do with children, such as the cute hanging mobiles.